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Precious Materials Handbook


Auflage1. Auflage 2015
Seiten576 Seiten
Produktart Buch
Sprache Englisch

29,80 €*

% 89,00 €* (66.52% gespart)

Sofort versandfertig. Lieferzeit in Deutschland ca. 2-3 Werktage.

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Produktinformationen "Precious Materials Handbook"

Precious Materials Handbook

A specialised book about the contribution of metal-based materials to crucial applications in line with specific megatrends

The 'Precious Materials Handbook' illustrates how metal-based materials like precious metals and compounds, catalysts, battery materials and materials for solar cells contribute to crucial applications in line with specific megatrends (which have a tremendous bearing on society and the environment). New materials and solutions are described to tackle the problem of scarcity. The book also presents scientific tools supporting and accelerating the research and development efforts of new materials.


Weitere Medien zum Thema

The Specialised Book "Leveling with Roller Levelers" by Horst Bräutigam und Sascha Becker
Leveling with Roller Levelers
The topic of sheet leveling is more current than ever. This book lights the subject and explains what happens during the leveling process on roller levelers.

29,80 €*