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The Future as a Team Player

Patricia Piekenbrock

Auflage1. Auflage 2025
Seiten110 Seiten
Produktart Buch
Sprache Englisch

18,00 €*

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Produktinformationen "The Future as a Team Player"

The Future as a Team Player

Of intelligent organisms and learning machines

Experiencing knowledge at last!

For me, for us, for everyone. Curiosity and enthusiasm are the key to the future – this is what the non-fiction book with its multimedia app stands for. It offers perspectives that affect all of our lives. What do ants have to do with robots? What can machines do and what can't they do? What role does artificial intelligence play in our lives, how does it actually work? And what will the medicine of tomorrow look like?

The time is ripe for discovery: “Team player” is the call of the hour. The book app team transforms complex facts into entertaining and easy-to-understand knowledge. Videos, augmented reality, 3D animations, chats with historical figures and podcasts with real people are available. Furthermore, you can test your knowledge of the future in a quiz.

The book and app also provide a fascinating introduction to STEM subjects. Why are we learning this? This question is answered through simple and intuitive access to technology and science. Another side effect: orientation for exciting professional fields of the future.

Should I mainly use the book or the app?

It’s important to devote adequate time to both of them, as both paths lead you into the future. Anyone who browses through the book obtains insights on the life of organisms, systems, and technologies and how they are all connected. All of the topics are real. Furthermore, you will see pictures that were generated by artificial intelligence. So that fiction is not confused with reality, we’ve labeled them accordingly. Through the app you can access further info related to the book content: videos, augmented reality, 3D animations, chats with historical figures, and podcasts with individuals reflecting on the future. Many topics that are changing our lives are currently gaining importance. The Book App Team would like to take advantage of this and transform information into first-hand experience.

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