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Scheduling in Plant Construction – Templates (Download)

Ibrahim Kar, Michael Berz

AuflageVersion 1.0
Produktart Download
Sprache Englisch

49,80 €*

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Produktinformationen "Scheduling in Plant Construction – Templates (Download)"

Scheduling in Plant Construction – Templates

A template collection for the on-time completion of plant projects

Process plants are complex systems for the production of chemical and petrochemical products and require careful planning in order to be completed on time and within budget. Precise and comprehensive scheduling is therefore essential. This template collection comprises general templates for project schedules in Microsoft Word format©, which can be edited and customized as required (company-specific and project-specific as well as according to the project phase).

  • Schedule Plan
  • Basis of Schedule
  • Schedule Challenge at Decision Gates
  • Schedule Challenge at Schedule Updates
  • Project Checklist
  • RACI Matrix

Technical explanations and details on scheduling in plant construction can be found in the corresponding reference book.

Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Kfm. IBRAHIM KARFollowing his education as a technical draughtsman and his university studies, he has been working as a development engineer, scientific assistant, project manager and project service engineer. Currently, his main areas of activities at Royal Dutch Shell comprise costs, controlling and physical progress.


Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) MICHAEL BERZ is a Senior Cost Engineer at Evonik and is responsible for the creation of First Cost Ranges, Study Cost Estimates and Validation of Conceptual & Basis Cost Estimations.



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