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Discover Our Specialist Books on the Topics of
Heat Transfer Technology and Plant Engineering!

Heat transfer systems with organic fluids are widely used in industry. Engineers and planners responsible for plant construction must not only be up to date with the latest technology, but also need to know and observe the legal framework as well as the standards in detail. The following specialist books convey this required knowledge.

Heat Transfer Technique with Organic Fluids
Heat Transfer Technique with Organic Fluids
In addition to a detailed and well-founded presentation of the basics, this comprehensive standard work offers the latest state of the art in the use of organic liquids.

149,00 €*
289,00 €*
149,00 €*
289,00 €*
E-Book (PDF)
Cost Estimation in Plant Construction
Cost Estimation in Plant Construction
This book gives readers a detailed overview of the structure of cost estimates in brownfield and greenfield plant projects and the method of preparing the required accompanying documentation.

119,80 €*

119,80 €*
E-Book (PDF)
Cost Estimation in Plant Construction – Templates (Download)
Cost Estimation in Plant Construction – Templates (Download)
Die frei editierbaren Templates sind ein praktisches Tool für Kostenschätzer, die Begleitdokumente für eine Kostenschätzung erstellen.

Ab 119,20 €*
Pipe Elements / Rohrleitungsbauteile (Software)
Pipe Elements / Rohrleitungsbauteile (Software)
Das Universalwerkzeug zur Berechnung und Auslegung von Rohrleitungsbauteilen nach EN 13480-3: 2002/ 2005.

198,00 €*