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Practice Handbook Electrical Connectors

Media Information on the First Edition

General Data

  • Print edition: 600 copies + company editions
  • E-book edition: The e-book is not only distributed via Vogel Professional Education and online retailers such as Amazon, but also reaches the digital libraries of universities, (technical) colleges, training and further education centers and corporate customers. Library sales increase the book's reach by a factor of around 10.
  • Scope: 528 pages
  • Colour: 4C
  • Language: English
  • Price: € 99.80
  • Advertising deadline: August 25, 2025
  • Release date: October 2025

The Successful Reference Book “Practice Handbook Electrical Connectors” is Published in an International Version

The Practice Handbook Electrical Connectors is a reference work for device development and for the use of connectors. Developers and users are provided with comprehensive information on the technical principles, optimum selection and further processing of connectors in the production process of electronic assemblies. In addition, the book contains numerous expert contributions that deal with specific electrical connector topics and examine them in depth.

After two successful editions, the third German edition of the book was published in June 2024. Due to the high demand, the third edition of the book is now being internationalized with an English edition.

The practical handbook has been comprehensively revised and updated for the new edition. The revision focuses in particular on the following topics:

  • The contact materials have been supplemented with new alloys that are now on the market also with regard to sustainability and the CO2 footprint (PCF = product carbon footprint)
  • The latest trends in silver surfaces have been added for high-current applications
  • For cost reasons, tin and nickel-based surfaces are now particularly in focus
  • The latest trends and standards have been taken into account for Single Pair Ethernet connectors

Target Groups in the Reader Market

Primarily engineers, technical personnel and operational decision-makers:

  • Electronics and device developers
  • Design engineers
  • Technical management
  • Product managers
  • Employees from the areas of work preparation, production planning, quality assurance

About the Author

Engineer (grad.) Herbert Endres
EndresConsult, Munich

  • Studied communications engineering at the Ohm Polytechnikum in Nuremberg
  • Worked in project planning and service for electronic industrial control systems since 1971, then as product manager for passive assemblies
  • Since 1978 leading positions in sales, marketing and product management for connectors and connector systems at TRW, Labinal and Molex
  • Since 2006 Technology Marketing Director for high-speed applications at Molex
  • Since 2017 freelance consultant for connector-related issues at EndresConsult
  • Speaker at the Connector User Congress and trainer at the Vogel Akademie

Book Marketing

In order to maximize the potential on the reader market, the book will be advertised in the specialist media of the Vogel Communications Group listed below in addition to the marketing of the specialist retailers.

The communication measures include:

  • Digital ads on the online portals and in the editorial newsletters
  • Print advertisements in the specialist magazines
  • Editorial reporting (press release, book review, etc.)
  • Presentation at industry events, in particular at the annual Connector User Congress
 Specialist MediaTarget Groups
all-about-industriesProfessionals in the fields of automation & IIoT, automotive & mobility, machines & tooling, design & engineering and electronics & software
PROCESS wordwideProfessionals in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, petrochemicals, food industry, water/wastewater and plant construction/engineering
LABORPRAXISProfessionals in the fields of laboratory technology, food analysis, bio & pharmaceutical analysis and water & environmental analysis
ETMMProfessionals in the fields of tool and mold making, supply and service industries for tool and mold making

Advantages of the Advertising Medium

Active media use:
Book readers are much more aware of advertisements and remember the advertising content much better (increased concentration when reading a reference book).

Target group specific approach:
Only professionals in the relevant field buy the book (high-quality media contact).

Advisor function of the reference book:
The book is primarily aimed at professionals who will be making purchasing and investment decisions in their company in the foreseeable future due to their position. This decision can be significantly influenced by an insertion.

Credibility of the medium “reference book”:
In printed form, specialist information and knowledge offerings demonstrate a particular seriousness and longevity. This is why many readers prefer books as credible sources of advice.

Greater reach through e-books:
The e-book version of the book is not only distributed via Vogel Fachbuch and online retailers such as Amazon, but also reaches the digital libraries of universities, (technical) colleges and companies.

Advertising Formats

Your Ad in the Right Context

Use the reference book to place your solutions in an eye-catching way with decision-makers in the electronics industry.

Form of AdvertisementPlacementSizeColourPrice
Classical Ad2nd cover page1/1 page
(170 x 240 mm plus 3 mm bleed - please add bleed marks)
4C€ 2,900
Classical Ad3rd cover page1/1 page
(170 x 240 mm plus 3 mm bleed - please add bleed marks)
4C € 2,750
Advertisement with
Preferred Placement
within any chapter1/1 page
(170 x 240 mm plus 3 mm bleed - please add bleed marks)
4C€ 3,000
Management Statementappendix2-4 pages4C€ 4,200
Case Studyappendix2-8 pages4C€ 4,900



Bundle Offers

Place an ad + management statement / case study in the book and save up to € 1,580.

 Form of Advertisement
List price
Bundle Price
Case Study + Ad€ 7,900
€ 6,320
Management Statement + Ad € 7,200
€ 5,760


Silke Höffken
Phone: +49 931 418-2415
E-mail: silke.hoeffken@vogel.de