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Wheel Alignment (E-Book)

Thomas Vauderwange

Auflage1. Auflage 2011
Seiten150 Seiten
Produktart E-Book (PDF)
Sprache Englisch

39,99 €*

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Produktinformationen "Wheel Alignment (E-Book) "

Wheel Alignment 

A Guild for Consistent and Reliable Wheel Alignment Services

With this book, we'll put an end to crooked steering wheels and wasting time by readjusting cars over and over again - and behold: All taken out of daily workshop life, comprehensible, entertaining. Small quizzes, inserted all over the book, let you know rightaway whether you got the point or need to reread some.

Content in the book:

  • Properties of the dynamic chassis: Toe, camber, and everything after
  • Measurment technologies: From a straight aluminum bar to touchless automatic
  • Runout compensation: Why and how, risk and benefit
  • Four Steps to a Straight Steering Wheel
  • Typical adjustment errors and the consequences
  • Many practical examples from real life adjustment encounters
  • Chassis values: Accident damage or tricky intention of the designer?
  • Fixed and dynamic specs: Ride height measurement PSA, BMW, and Renault
  • Sophisticated Kinematics: VAG toe curve / S-point adjustment
  • Mercedes procedure: Why ROMESS and toe pressure bar are a good idea