Heat Transfer Technique with Organic Fluids
ISBN | 978-3-8343-3433-6 |
Edition | 3rd edition 2019 |
Pages | 1186 |
Language | English |
Product Type | Book, E-book (PDF) |
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Product information "Heat Transfer Technique with Organic Fluids"
Heat Transfer Technique with Organic Fluids
Heat transfer systems with organic fluids are widely used in industry. Engineers and planners who are responsible for plant construction must not only be up to date with the latest technology, but must also know and observe the legal framework as well as the conditions and standards in detail. In addition to a detailed and well-founded presentation of the basics of heat transfer technology, this comprehensive standard work offers the latest state of the art in the use of organic fluids. Furthermore, it explains the latest regulations which are essential for the design, construction and operation of heat transfer installations. Thematically, the book is rounded off with an overview of property data of organic heat transfer fluids as well as many use cases from practical experience.
The book covers all relevant topics of heat transfer technology:
- Introduction
- Heat Transfer Fluids
- Design of Heat Transfer Plants
- Fundamentals of Flow and Heat
- Heaters
- Plant Components
- Heat Consumers
- Measuring, Control and Circuit Technology
- Installation Specifications
- Operation of Heat Transfer Plants
- Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations, Standards and Specifications of the EU and DIN
- Biomass CHP Plants with Organic Fluids (ORC Installations)
- Equations, Diagrams and Tables for Project Planning for Heat Transfer Fluid Installations in the Liquid Phase
- Overview Diagrams of Assemblies: Form Sheets with Sample Calculations
- Properties of Organic Heat Transfer Fluids
- Units and Conversion Tables
- Comparison of German and Foreign Rules and Standards
- Use Cases
At the online magazine PROCESS Worldwide you will find some further reading samples:
Heating and Cooling with Storage Tanks
Handle the Temperature Curve in the Expansion Vessel
How to Handle the Temperature Curve in the Expansion Vessel
How To: Heating and Cooling with Storage Tanks