Provider information in accordance with § 5, TMG (tele media law).
Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG
Max-Planck-Straße 7/9
97082 Würzburg
Registergericht Würzburg,
HRA 245, Komplementär GmbH:
Vogel Communications Group
Verwaltungs GmbH, Register Court Würzburg, commercial registry B 10.
Value added tax identification number: DE 169343403
Phone: +49 931 418-0
Executive Board:
Matthias Bauer (chairmanship)
Günter Schürger
Responsible for the Editorial Content of
Niels Bernau
Program Manager Specialist Books for Industry
Max-Planck-Straße 7/9
97082 Würzburg
Consumer Information according to Regulation (EU) Nr. 524/2013:
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