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Festo – Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility

Dr. Wilfried Stoll (Hrsg.) / Patricia Piekenbrock

Edition1. Auflage 2021
Pages236 Seiten
Language English
Product Type Book
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Product information "Festo – Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility"


Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility

What is the essence of a brand? How can it be expressed in a nutshell, and what are its salient characteristics? Logos, colours, shapes, lettering: a brand should of course be recognisable at first glance and at the same time unmistakable. But what actually brings a brand to life – and above all, what makes it future-proof in a world in motion between analogue climate change and digital transformation?

It is people who shape the Festo brand. Embedded in a globally active world community, they are brand ambassadors of a living network – a weighty term that brings with it responsibility. After all, the characteristics of a brand can only be perceived if they are an integral part of a company’s cultural substance. The brand thus also shapes people.

Where does the Festo brand stand, and where does it want to go? The family-owned company strives to develop sustainable solutions for people, animals and the environment and to set them on course for a responsible future. To fulfil this brand promise, Festo relies on the dimensions of technology, innovation, education, knowledge and responsibility.

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Festo – Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility
Festo – Brand for Technology, Innovation, Education, Knowledge and Responsibility
Where does the Festo brand stand, and where does it want to go? The family-owned company strives to develop sustainable solutions for people, animals and the environment and to set them on course for a responsible future. To fulfil this brand promise, Fes
