The Laser as a Tool
ISBN | 978-3-8343-3072-7 |
Edition | 1st edition 2007 |
Pages | 280 |
Language | English |
Product Type | Book |
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Product information "The Laser as a Tool"
The Laser as a Tool
A Specialised Book about a Laser Tool in the World of Industrial Material Processing
Cutting and joining, abrading and depositing, drilling, marking and much more. The laser beam is a fascinating tool and it is impossible to imagine the world of industrial material processing without it.
This book presents the tool of light. It follows the laser beam on its way from the laser unit, through the beam delivery system to the workpiece, and then discusses all major laser processes. Applications from the field show what a universal tool the laser has become in industry today.
With it generous use of colors throughout and its premium quality, the book offer a wealth of information on
- laser technology fundamentals and its applicatioms, in 6 chapters, on 280 pages, with 232 pictures and 137 graphics,
- first hand expertise: precise, compact and easy to understand,
- numerous examples from renowned companies for first-hand impressions and an in-depth look in many areas.