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Preparative Low Pressure Liquid Chromatography

Hans Henke

Edition1st edition 2011
Language English
Product Type Book, E-book (PDF)
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Product information "Preparative Low Pressure Liquid Chromatography"

Preparative Low Pressure Liquid Chromatography 

The specialist book to combine preparative HPLC and production-scale separations

This monograph closes a sorely felt gap between preparative HPLC and production-scale separations. Precisely in this broad area of separation science there is a real need that is far greater than generally assumed. Very many laboratories require straightforward yet highly versatile, powerful, and above all economical, i. e. low-cost separation systems. The advantages of uncomplicated, low-cost separation systems are illustrated with the aid of numerous exemplary practical separations. The various systems permit separation of practically all substance mixtures in the molecular mass range of up to 1000, even in large gram quantities.


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