Leveling with Roller Levelers
ISBN | 978-3-8343-3144-1 |
Edition | 1st edition 2009 |
Pages | 112 |
Language | English |
Product Type | Book |
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Product information "Leveling with Roller Levelers"
Leveling with Roller Levelers
A Specialised Book about Sheet Leveling
The topic of sheet leveling is more current than ever. Leveling improves the quality of sheet metal processing. The improved tolerances in the flatness of sheet metal parts and coils are obvious. Less obvious are the favourable distribution of residual stresses in the material, which stabilizes the material for the subsequent processes like folding, bending and roll forming. Despite the widespread use of roller levelers, little is known about the technology behind ths type of machine. This book lights the subject and explains what happens during the leveling process on roller levelers.
- Principles of materials science
- Tension and compression
- Bending
- Principles of leveling
- Single bending operation
- Total bending operation
- Roller levelers
- Basic design of the leveling unit
- Drive system
- Leveling performance diagram
- Machine setting values
- Leveling with roller levelers
- Flatness defects and their correction
- Roller levelers for strips
- Roller levelers for parts
- Tips and tricks