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    New Releases

    Discover our new books, e-books and software.

    Scheduling in Plant Construction
    Scheduling in Plant Construction
    The book provides a detailed overview of the structure of schedules and the procedure for creating the necessary accompanying documents.

    E-book (PDF)
    Scheduling in Plant Construction – Templates (Download)
    Scheduling in Plant Construction – Templates (Download)
    The editable templates are a practical tool for cost estimators who create accompanying documents for a cost estimate.

    The Future as a Team Player
    The Future as a Team Player
    The STEM non-fiction book with multimedia app sparks curiosity about technology and science and offers young people an orientation for exciting professional fields of the future.



    Learn about our most popular books, e-books and software.

    Cost Estimation in Plant Construction
    Cost Estimation in Plant Construction
    This book gives readers a detailed overview of the structure of cost estimates in brownfield and greenfield plant projects and the method of preparing the required accompanying documentation.


    E-book (PDF)
    Cost Estimation in Plant Construction - Templates (Download)
    Cost Estimation in Plant Construction - Templates (Download)
    Die Templates zum Fachbuch "Kostenschätzung im Anlagenbau" unterstützen den Kostenschätzer bei der Erstellung der Begleitdokumente.

    From €119.20*
    Heat Transfer Technique with Organic Fluids
    Heat Transfer Technique with Organic Fluids
    In addition to a detailed and well-founded presentation of the basics, this comprehensive standard work offers the latest state of the art in the use of organic liquids.

    E-book (PDF)
    Pipe Elements (Software)
    Pipe Elements (Software)
    Das Universalwerkzeug zur Berechnung und Auslegung von Rohrleitungsbauteilen nach EN 13480-3: 2002/ 2005.

    Bionics is more than just biology and technology, it arouses curiosity and shows the way ahead in shaping future lifeworlds in a responsible manner.

    Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electric Miniature Drives
    Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electric Miniature Drives
    The book shows users how to set up their end device in an EMC-compliant manner and helps electronics developers to take EMC into account in the development of motor controllers.


    E-book (PDF)
    Vibrations and Noises in Small Electric Motors
    Vibrations and Noises in Small Electric Motors
    This book is intended to provide assistance for an efficient and goal-oriented approach to eliminating vibration and acoustic problems in small electric drives.


    E-book (PDF)

    Reduced Items

    Here you will find our reduced books, e-books and software.

    Heat Transfer Technique with Organic Fluids
    Heat Transfer Technique with Organic Fluids
    License: Private Purchase | Product Type: Book
    In addition to a detailed and well-founded presentation of the basics, this comprehensive standard work offers the latest state of the art in the use of organic liquids.

    E-book (PDF)
    Das Fachbuch "Pneumatic Conveying Systems" von David Mills und Vijay Agarwal
    Pneumatic Conveying Systems
    License: Private Purchase | Product Type: Book
    The critical design parameter in any pneumatic conveying system is the conveying line inlet air velocity. With different grades of the same material care must be exercised in design and specification of the plant and components. Emphasis is given to syste

    E-book (PDF)
    The specialised book "Precious Materials Handbook" by Umicore
    Precious Materials Handbook
    License: Private Purchase | Product Type: Book
    The 'Precious Materials Handbook' illustrates how metal-based materials like precious metals and compounds, catalysts, battery materials and materials for solar cells contribute ...

    The specialist book "Preparative Low Pressure Liquid Chromatography" of Hans Henke
    Preparative Low Pressure Liquid Chromatography
    License: Private Purchase | Product Type: Book
    This monograph closes a sorely felt gap between preparative HPLC and production-scale separations. Precisely in this broad area of separation science there is a real need that is far greater than generally assumed. Very many laboratories require straightf

    E-book (PDF)

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