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PROCESS Insights: Current Challenges for Polyethylene Market and Projects
The Polyethylene market is experiencing a reduction in price. This Expert Insight explores reasons for the decline as well as possible strategies to mitigate the problems.
PROCESS Insights: US Shale gas, a gamer changer for the Petrochemical world
In this paper the US shale revolution and its effect on the petrochemical industry worldwide will be reviewed and analyzed.
PROCESS Insights: Outlook for the Polypropylene Market – Why imports to China will go down dramatica
The Polypropylene market is currently facing a considerable reduction in prices in some part of the world. This Expert Insight offers reasons and suggestions for dealing with this situation.
PROCESS Special Report – Oil Price Crash and Consequences for the Petrochemical Industry
Die Ölpreise sind auf einem historischen Tiefstand. Dieser exklusive Sonderbericht zeigt Gründe für den jüngsten Preisrückgang auf und gibt Prognosen für die zukünftige Entwicklung.
PROCESS Insights: Economic Evaluation of Petrochemical Projects after Corona
In this paper the economic evaluation of petrochemical projects after Corona is discussed.